
Keep on learning English.
I'm sure it will take you
somewhere you never imagined.

英語の勉強を これからも続けてください
きっと あなたを どこか
思いもよらない場所まで 連れて行ってくれますよ

by Annie Hirakawa / Robert Rosewood
in Come Come Everybody



「・・・ 現れる方が多いです。」って,あんたね,気味が悪いじゃん。ほかに言い方ないの? ― ないか。。。



夕方に接種し,接種20時間を過ぎた 翌日の昼過ぎ,俄かに,筋肉痛,関節痛,頭痛,疲労感などの副反応が現れ始めました。症状は一晩続き,翌朝はすっきりと目覚めることができました。この程度で済んだのは,運よく3回目もファイザー社製だったことによるのかもしれません 感謝

俄かに = suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly



has won Best International Feature at the 94th Academy Awards.


中2 Sunshine 2, Lesson 8

recycle the paper cranes into notebooks and origami paper

(折り鶴 を再生利用して,ノートや折り紙 にする

fold the recycled paper into cranes again

(再生紙 を折って,再び折り鶴 にする

東大 2019年 大問1(B)

~ for combining those symbols into larger meaningful units (sentences)

(その記号 を組み合わせて,より大きな意味のある単位(文)にする ための~)

~ for ordering elements such as notes, chords, and intervals into complex structures

(音,和音,音程などの要素 を配列して,複雑な構造 にする ための~)







シャドーイング 発表中

三省堂 CROWN English Communication Ⅱ, Lesson 2
792 words

An Open Letter to the Global Media

Recently, an overwhelming number of media outlets メディア from around the world have reached out with requests for interviews. This letter serves as ~として役立つ my answer to these requests and is my testimony 証言 from Ukraine.

What happened just over a week ago was impossible to believe. Our country was peaceful; our cities, towns, and villages were full of life.

On February 24th, we all woke up to the announcement of a Russian invasion. Tanks crossed the Ukrainian border, planes entered our airspace, missile launchers ミサイルの発射台 surrounded our cities.

Despite assurances from Kremlin-backed propaganda outlets, who call this a "special operation" - it is, in fact, the mass murder of Ukrainian civilians.

Perhaps the most terrifying and devastating of this invasion are the child casualties 死傷者. Eight-year-old Alice who died on the streets of Okhtyrka while her grandfather tried to protect her. Or Polina from Kyiv, who died in the shelling 爆撃 with her parents. 14-year-old Arseniy was hit in the head by wreckage 瓦礫, and could not be saved because an ambulance 救急車 could not get to him on time because of intense fires.

When Russia says that it is 'not waging war against ~に対して戦争を行うcivilians,' I call out the names of these murdered children first.

Our women and children now live in bomb shelters and basements. You have most likely おそらく all seen these images from Kyiv キーウ and Kharkiv ハルキウ metro stations, where people lie on the floors with their children and pets – trapped beneath 地下に閉じ込められて. These are just consequences of war for some, for Ukrainians it now a horrific reality. In some cities families cannot get out of the bomb shelters for several days in a row 連続して because of the indiscriminate 無差別の and deliberate 故意の,計画的な bombing and shelling of civilian infrastructure.

The first newborn of the war, saw the concrete ceiling of the basement, their first breath was the acrid air of the underground, and they were greeted by a community trapped and terrorized 恐れおののく. At this point, there are several dozen children who have never known peace in their lives.

This war is being waged against the civilian population, and not just through shelling.

Some people require intensive care and continuous treatment, which they cannot receive now. How easy is it to inject insulin in the basement? Or to get asthma medication 喘息の薬 under heavy fire? Not to mention ~は言うまでもなく the thousands of cancer patients whose essential access to chemotherapy 化学療法 and radiation treatment 放射線治療 have now been indefinitely delayed 無期限に延期されている.

Local communities on social media are full of despair. Many people, including the elderly, severely ill and those with disabilities, have been debilitatingly 衰弱して cut off 亡くなる, ending up far from their families and without any support. War against these innocent people is a double crime 二重の犯罪.

Our roads are flooded with refugees 避難民. Look into the eyes of these tired women and children who carry with them the pain and heartache of leaving loved ones and life as they knew it behind. The men bringing them to the borders shedding tears to break apart their families, but bravely returning to fight for our freedom. After all, despite all this horror, Ukrainians do not give up.

The aggressor 侵略者, Putin, thought that he would unleash blitzkrieg on Ukraine. But he underestimated our country, our people, and their patriotism. Ukrainians, regardless of political views, native language, beliefs, and nationalities, stand in unparalleled unity 無比の結束で持ちこたえる.

While Kremlin propagandists bragged 声高に話す that Ukrainians would welcome them with flowers as saviors, they have been shunned 避けられている with Molotov cocktails 火炎びん.

I thank the citizens of the attacked cities, who have coordinated to help those in need. Those that keep working - in pharmacies, stores, public transportation, and social services – showing that in Ukraine, life wins.

I acknowledge those that have provided humanitarian aid to our citizens and thank you for your continued support. And to our neighbors who have generously opened their borders to provide shelter for our women and children, thank you for keeping them safe, when the aggressor has rendered us unable to do so. 【render A CAをCにする

To all the people around the world who are rallying 集結する to support Ukraine. We see you! We’re here watching and appreciate your support.

Ukraine wants peace. But Ukraine will defend its borders. Defend its identity. These it will never yield 屈する.

In cities where shelling persists いつまでも続く, where people find themselves under debris, unable to get out of basements for days, we need safe corridors 回廊 for humanitarian aid and evacuation 避難 of civilians to safety. We need those in power to close our sky!

Close the sky, and we will manage the war on the ground ourselves.

I appeal to you, dear media: keep showing what is happening here and keep showing the truth. In the information war waged by the Russian Federation, every piece of evidence is crucial.

And with this letter, I testify and tell the world: the war in Ukraine is not a war "somewhere out there." This is a war in Europe, close to the EU borders. Ukraine is stopping the force that may aggressively enter your cities tomorrow under the pretext of ~という口実で saving civilians.

Last week to me and my people, this would have seemed like an exaggeration, but it is the reality we’re living in today. And we do not know how long it will last. If we don't stop Putin, who threatens to start a nuclear war, there will be no safe place in the world for any of us.

We will win. Because of our unity. Unity towards love for Ukraine.

Glory to ~に栄光あれ Ukraine! 



荒サイ 60 km

秋ヶ瀬橋 ~ 菜の花(川島町付近)
~ 熊谷陸軍飛行学校 桶川分教所




生きるということは,世の中に出て偉くなることではない。自分に与えられた才能でもって,他人を一人でも幸せにするのが生きることの目的なのだ ― こうお子さんには教えてほしいと思います。


そして,その才能は自分のためにあるのではない。みんなを少しでも幸せにするためのものだよ ― それこそが親が子どもに教えてやることではないでしょうか。

瀬戸内 寂聴
『痛快!寂聴 仏教塾』集英社インターナショナル


Arnold Schwarzenegger tells Putin to "stop this war"

tell askto do

中3 Sunshine 3, Lesson 1
Oka told us to write a speech.
I asked my mother to make bentos for us.



2022年 3月16日 23時36分
北緯 37.7度  東経 141.6度  深さ 60km

2021年 2月13日 23時8分
北緯 37.4度  東経 141.4度  深さ 55km



Zelenskyy addresses to U.S. Congress

Close the Sky over Ukraine


1985年,私が21歳の時,留学先のサンフランシスコで はじめて購入した本,それが "NO LONGER HUMAN translated by Donald Keene" でしたとお話ししたら,たいへん興味をもっていただきました。では,冒頭部分です。 

The more I think of it, the less I understand. All | I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the only one who is entirely unlike the rest. It is almost impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say it? ― I don't know.

This was how I happened to invent my clowning.

It was the last quest for love | I was to direct ^ at human beings. Although I had a mortal dread of human beings I seemed quite unable to renounce their society. ...



A woman holding an anti-war sign ran onto the set of a Russian evening news programme on the state-controlled Channel 1 on Monday evening.

The sign read "NO WAR, stop the war, don't believe the propaganda, they are lying to you here". (BBC)

【分詞】 中3 Sunshine 3, Lesson 4

動詞の現在分詞 (~ing) は,”形容詞のはたらき” をして,名詞を修飾することがあります。”進行中の動作” を表し,「~している…」という意味になります。(くもん中学英文法)

A woman ← holding an anti-war sign
戦争反対と書かれた紙 を持っている → 女性





中1 Sunshine 1, Lesson 10

 You can warm yourselves this way.

東大 2019年度 大問4(A) 文法・語法 問題

 Agnesi expressed a desire to dedicate her to a religious life

 her が誤り → herself









The owner of Uniqlo has made a U-turn and decided to suspend operations in Russia.


Peace is something you ...

If ever there is truly peace on earth, goodwill to men, it will be because of women like Mother Teresa.


Peace is not something you wish for;


it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away!


Robert Fulghum
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten



The owner of Uniqlo has defended its decision to keep its Russian shops open, saying "Clothing is a necessity of life. The people of Russia have the same right to live as we do." (BBC)




What's Going On

What's going on

Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying

You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today


わかるだろ 見つけなくてはならないんだ
愛をもたらす方法を 今日ここに
Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate

You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today


わかるだろ 見つけなくてはならないんだ
愛をもたらす方法を 今日ここに
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me
So you can see

Oh, what's going on
What's going
Yah, what's going on
Oh, what's going on

僕を罰しないで 暴力で
そうしたら わかるから

ロシアは どうなってるの
プーチンは どうなってるの 


Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Come on, Talk to me
So you can see
What's going on
Yah, what's going on
Tell me What's going on
Oh, what's going on 

Oh, what's going on
what's going on
Tell me What's going on
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
What's going on


Playing For Change Foundation



中3 Sunshine 3 (2021) Lesson 1


It's a bento ← (available at train stations).
それは(駅で入手できる)→ 弁当です。

A Conservation success story
Nagarahole Tiger Reserve
be popular with ~
tourists ← (eager to see the big cats in the wild
「(野生のビッグキャットを見たいと熱望している)→ 観光客」



荒サイ 40 km

秋ヶ瀬橋 ~ 榎本牧場

目を合わせてくれない ぶーちゃん。

怖いくらい目を逸らさない もーちゃん。

いつもおいしい アイスクリーム。


We must persevere in the search for peace in the hope that constructive changes within the Communist Bloc might bring within reach solutions which now seem beyond us.

われわれは,共産圏内部に建設的な変化が起きて,現在は手の届かないように見える 解決策が手の届くものになることを希望しながら,忍耐強く平和の探求に努めなければならないのです。

We must conduct our affairs in such a way that it becomes in the Communists' interest to agree on a genuine peace.

共産主義者が本当の平和について合意することが,彼らの利益になるように われわれは行動しなければなりません。

Above all, while always defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which present an adversary with a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.


To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy―or of a collective death-wish for the world.


John F. Kennedy  The Strategy of peace, 1963.3.10.



World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor ― it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.


And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever.


However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising shifts in the relations between nations and neighbors.


John F. Kennedy, The Strategy of Peace, 1963.6.10.


中2 Sunshine 2 Lesson 7【現在完了】

has already carried out ~:~をすでに行っている

war crimes:戦争犯罪

PM:首相(prime minister)


Statement from Disney

Given:前置詞 「~ということを考えると」 
unprovoked invasion「いわれのない侵攻」
tragic humanitarian crisis「痛ましい人道的危機」
are pausing ~:「~を一時的に停止します」
 *ここでの現在進行形は 確定的な未来・予定を表す
theatrical film「劇場用映画」
make ~ decisions「今後のビジネスを決めていきます」
based on ~「~に基づいて」
evolving situation「進行中の状況」
in the meantime「その間」
emerging refugee crisis「新たに現れている難民危機」
provide ~ to[for] 人「人に~を提供する」
urgent aid「緊急援助」
humanitarian assistance「人道支援」


Many persons have a wrong idea of
what constitutes real happiness.
It is not obtained through self-gratification,
but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
Helen Keller


多くの人が 本当の幸せがどういうものか
自己の欲求を満足させること ではなく
価値のある目的に忠実であること を通して
