

Fundamental Principles of Olympism
in force as from 2 August 2016

1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the education value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

2. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious developement of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

3. The Olympic Movement is the concerted, organised, universal and permanent action, carried out under the supreme authority of the IOC, of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism. It covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with the bringing together of the world's athletes at the great sports festival, the Olympic Games. Its symbol is five interlaced rings.

4. The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

5. Recognising that sport occurs within the framework of society, sports organisations within the Olympic Movement shall have the rights and obligations of autonomy, which include freely establishing and controlling the rules of sport, determining the structure and governance of their organisations, enjoying the right of elections free from any outside influence and the reponsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied.
6. The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or ohter status.

7. Belonging to the Olympic Movement requires compliance with the Olympic Charter and recognition by the IOC. 

以下,日本オリンピック委員会(JOC)の訳文(括弧内)を併記し,各条文に ミニ解説 を加えてみました。

1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind.

exalting and combining~(~を高め,結合する)は分詞構文。共通の目的語は,in a balanced whole (バランスの取れた全体の中で) を超えて the qualities of ~。VとOの間の副詞句の挿入の見落としに気をつけたい。
Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the education value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

Blending~(~を融合して)は分詞構文。分詞構文の要諦は,Blending の主語と文の主語(この場合はOlympism)が一致すること,分詞構文の固まりをできるだけあっさりした日本語で文の述語動詞にかけて解釈することにあります。

based on ~ は分詞形容詞(名詞修飾の分詞)。分詞構文と違って,修飾される名詞が主語として a way of life IS based on ~ が成り立つことがポイント。JOCの訳文もこのポイントを生かした訳になっています。

based に続く前置詞 on の目的語が4つ並記されています。  
the joy of effort(努力する喜び),
the education value of good example(良い模範であることの教育的価値),
social responsibility(社会的な責任)
and respect for universal fundamenatl ethical principles.(普遍的で根本的な倫理規範の尊重)。
2. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious developement of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

The goal of Olympism (S) is (V) to place sports (C) 「オリンピズムの目的はスポーツを置くことです」。 at the service of~(~に役立つように)。 with a view to doing (~するつもり[目的]で)。concerned with~(~を重視する,に関心のある)は society を後ろから修飾する形容詞。 
3. The Olympic Movement is the concerted, organised, universal and permanent action, carried out under the supreme authority of the IOC, of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism.

the concerted, organised, universal and permanent action 複数の形容詞が action を修飾しています。かかり方は,concered action (協調の取れた活動),organised action (組織的な活動),universal and permanet action (普遍的で恒久的な活動)。限定用法の形容詞は,「A, B, C+名詞」とするのが基本。但し,叙述用法の場合は 「~ is A, B, and C.」 となります。この点 JOC訳はあいまいさが残ります。
carried out (遂行される,実行される)は分詞構文。under the supreme authority of the IOC の of は「同格のof」(IOCという最高機関の下で)。action of ~ のつながりを見落とすことがないように注意したい。
It covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with the bringing together of the world's athletes at the great sports festival, the Olympic Games. Its symbol is five interlaced rings.
4. The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

Each individual must have ~ 「すべての個人は~を有しなければならない」。JOC訳の「すべての個人は~を与えなければならない」は,主述関係において疑問が残ります。in the Olympic spirit (in the spirit of ~ 「~の精神に則って」)
5. Recognising that sport occurs within the framework of society, sports organisations within the Olympic Movement shall have the rights and obligations of autonomy, which include freely establishing and controlling the rules of sport, determining the structure and governance of their organisations, enjoying the right of elections free from any outside influence and the reponsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied.

Recognising that SV は分詞構文。 which は非制限用法の関係代名詞。 include の目的語は,establishing and controlling ~ , determining ~ , enjoying ~ , and responsibility ~ の3つの動名詞句と1つの名詞句。

6. The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or ohter status.


enjoyment 「享受」。set forth は分詞形容詞。set A forth / set forth A (Aを表明する,規定する)。such as ~ 「~などの」。「~の享受は確保されなければならない」という直訳を,「~は確実に享受されなければならない」とするJOC訳は大いに参考にしたいところ。

7. Belonging to the Olympic Movement requires compliance with the Olympic Charter and recognition by the IOC.


Belonging to ~ は動名詞。名詞というからには文中で「主語・補語・目的語・前置詞の目的語」になるということは中1の教科書の2時間目にすべて出揃っています。ここでは当然,「主語」になっています。

また,and が何と何を結んでいるかについても同様に中1の教科書から意識して学習してほしい。この文では,requires(~を必要とする)の2つの目的語(compliance with the Olympic Charter と recognition by the IOC)を結んでいます。
