CROWN E. C. Ⅱ Lesson 2
As I said before, it's not always the case that you have full confidence.
On the Russian invasion of Ukraine
President Putin of Russia has unleashed war in our European continent. He has attacked a friendly country without any provocation(挑発されてもいないのに)and without any credible excuse(確かな理由もないのに)
Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population
A vast invasion is underway by land, by sea, and by air.
And this is not in the infamous phrase, some faraway country of which we know little
We have Ukrainian friends in this country; neighbours, co-workers
Ukraine is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny
We – and the world – cannot allow that freedom just to be snuffed out. We cannot and will not just look away
It is because we have been so alarmed in recent months at the Russian intimidation that the UK became one of the first countries in Europe to send defensive weaponry to help the Ukrainians
Other allies have now done the same and we will do what more we can in the days ahead
Today in concert with our allies(同盟国と一致して)we will agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy
And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics
Our mission is clear
Diplomatically, politically, economically – and eventually, militarily – this hideous and barbaric venture(この極悪非道で野蛮な企て)of Vladimir Putin must end in failure
And so I say to the people of Russia, whose president has just authorised a tidal wave of violence against a fellow Slavic people
The parents of Russian soldiers who will lose their lives.
I cannot believe this is being done in your name or that you really want the pariah status it will bring to the Putin regime
and I say to the Ukrainians in this moment of agony
we are with you we are praying for you and your families
and we are on your side
And if the months ahead are grim, and the flame of freedom burns low
I know that it will blaze bright again in Ukraine
because for all his bombs and tanks and missiles. I don’t believe that the Russian dictator will ever subdue the national feeling of the Ukrainians and their passionate belief that their country should be free
and I say to the British people and all who have heard the threats from Putin against those who stand with Ukraine
we will of course do everything to keep our country safe
We are joined in our outrage by friends and allies around the world
We will work with them – for however long it takes – to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored
because this act of wanton and reckless aggression(この理不尽で無謀な侵略行為)is an attack not just on Ukraine
It is an attack on democracy and freedom in East Europe and around the world
This crisis is about the right of a free, sovereign independent European people to choose their own future
and that is a right that the UK will always defend.
CROWN E.C.I Reading 2 より
Anyway, over the years, I got into the habit of going by to see Grandma after school and telling her all my troubles.
One can spend a lifetime assigning blame, finding the cause "out there" for all troubles that exist.
Contrast this with the "responsible attitude" of confronting the situation, bad or good, and instead of asking "What caused the trouble? Who was to blame?"
asking "How can I handle this present situation to make the most of it? What can I salvage here?"
アブラハム・マズロー アメリカの心理学者
またその反対に,良くても悪くても その状況に立ち向かう「責任ある態度」をとり,「問題の原因は何だったのか? 誰が責任をとったのか?」と問う 代わりに,
「この問題を最大限に生かすために,この現況をどう扱うことができるのか? ここから何が得られるのか?」と問いながら一生を送ることもできるのです。
高3 CROWN Ⅲ Lesson 10 オバマ広島演説 より
We must change our mindset about war itself ― to prevent conflict through diplomacy, and strive to end conflicts after they've begun; to see our growing interdependence as a cause for peaceful cooperation and not violent competition; to define our nations not by our capacity to destroy but by what we build.
私たちは戦争そのものに対する考え方を変えなければなりません。― 外交を通じて紛争を防ぎ,すでに起きてしまった紛争を終わらせようと努力し,相互依存の高まりを 暴力的な競争ではなく平和的な協力の動機であるとみなし,私たちの国々を破壊する能力によってではなく私たちが築くことによって定義づけしなければならないのです。
平野歩夢選手 ハーフパイプ決勝3回目
トリプルコーク 1440°
逆のダブルコーク 1440°
フロントサイド・ダブルコーク 1260°
バックサイド・ダブルコーク 1260°
フロントサイド・ダブルコーク 1440°
逆転なりましたぁー,96.00(九十六点れいれい)。平野歩夢,見事逆転,金メダル。日本勢この種目,念願の,悲願の金メダルです。最高の難しいルーティーンを通してのこの金メダルです。(いやー,素晴らしかったですね。高さも,技の難度も,すべて異次元のすべり見せてくれました) 時代が変わりました,時代は受け継がれました。」
His one sorrow was not solitude, it was that other gulls refused to believe the glory of flight that awaited them; they refused to open their eyes and see.
彼のただひとつの悲しみは,孤独ではなく,輝かしい飛行への道が目前にひろがっているのに,そのことを仲間たちが信じようとしなかったことだった。彼らが目をつぶったまま,それを見ようとしなかったことだった。(五木寛之 訳)
"First of all, let's check the hiking rules." "'Take only pictures, leave only footprints.' Right?" "Yes. We can take pictures, but we must not take anything from the forest." "And we must bring our garbage home." "Yes, of course. We must protect nature."
(Sunshine English Course 2, Lesson 2)
Chiune wrote 2,139 visas and saved thousands of Jewish lives. Why did he go against the Japanese government? Later, Chiune said,
"I just followed my inner voice."
Sunshine English Course 2, Reading3
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独裁者 (3)