標高 2,000m
今朝ジョギングの周回コースにて,2度,3度追い抜いて行った おそらく大学生のTシャツの後ろに書かれていた JUST DO IT. ずっと頭の中をこだましていました :)
Europe has been giving $1 billion a day to Russia for its oil and gas. It's given you and the Ukrainian people $1 billion in military aid since the beginning of the war.
$1 billion = 10億ドル = 1,260億円
"Revere Heaven; love people," summed up all his views of life. All wisdom was there; and all un-wisdom, in love of self.
When he said, "Heaven loveth all men alike; so we must love others with the love with which we love ourselves," he said all that is in the Law and Prophets.
「天は 人も我も 同一に愛したまうゆえ,我を愛する心を以て 人を愛するなり」という西郷の言葉には,律法と預言者の思想が込められております。(稲盛和夫 監訳)
It is said that a few days before he finally made up his mind for peace, Katzu took him up to the Atago Hill for a friendly walk. Seeing "the city of magnificent dimensions" under his feet, the general's heart was deeply touched.
He turned to his friend and said, "In case we exchange arms, I believe these innocent peoples will have to suffer on our account," and was silent for some moment.
His "sensibility" moved in him; he must have peace for those innocent ones' sake. "The strong man is most powerful when unimpeded by the weak."
Saigo's strength had considerable of womanly pity in it. The city was spared, peace was concluded, and the Shogun was made to lay down his arms and tender his castle to the Emperor.
西郷が和睦を結ぼうと決心する数日前,勝は西郷を愛宕山へ 散歩に誘ったと言われている。眼下に広がる「壮大な都市」を目にして,西郷は心を強く打たれた。
旧友に向かい「もし我々が一戦交えれば,この罪もない人々が 我々のせいで 苦しむことになる」と言ったきり,しばらく押し黙っていた。
西郷の「情」が頭をもたげてきたのである。罪もない人々のために 和平を実現しなければならない。「強者は弱者に足を取られぬときが最も強い」。
西郷の強さの奥には 女性的な優しさが多分に潜んでいた。江戸の町は残され,和平が結ばれ,将軍は武器を捨てて 江戸城を天皇に明け渡した。(稲盛和夫 監訳)