
Wise Saying

"Don't let anyone laugh out of your dream.  But remember, you will have to work hard, look for opportunities, and never give up."

Jane Goodall, the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees.

quoted from CROWN E.C. I, L6


Wise Saying

People would say "Forget your silly dreams. Keep your feet on the ground." But that didn't stop me. If I succeeded, fine. If not, I would learn to live with failure. My motto is flexibility and optimism.

Hirata Oriza, one of Japan's most famous playwrights.

quoted from CROWN English Communication II, L1


Wise Saying

"I produced sportswear not because other girls played sports, but because I myself played sports.  Out of necessity, I produced it for myself."

Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel

quoted from Revised LANDMARK EC II, L.4




(a)能動態でも (b)受動態でも意味が同じになるのは なぜか?

(a)worried about the weather.
(b) I was worried about the weather.

→ worry という動詞は,歴史的には I worried him.(私は彼を悩ました)という他動詞からはじまります。その1つの場合として,悩ます相手が「自分自身」であるときには再帰代名詞を使って I worried myself about the weather.(私は天気で自分自身を悩ました → 私は天気が心配でした)になり,この文を受動態にすると (b) I was worried about the weather. ということになります。

また,worry+oneself+about という形は重苦しいということから 中央の oneself は省略する傾向にあり,(a) I worried about the weather. が生まれました。

(参考:ビジュアル英文解釈 PART I)


荒サイ 21 km

秋ヶ瀬橋 ~ 西遊馬


Wise Saying

"Today I'll get stronger than I was yesterday,
and tomorrow stronger than I am today."

Shingo Kunieda, a professional wheelchair tennis player

quoted from Revised LANDMARK EC II, L.1