1985年,私が21歳の時,留学先のサンフランシスコで はじめて購入した本,それが "NO LONGER HUMAN translated by Donald Keene" でしたとお話ししたら,たいへん興味をもっていただきました。では,冒頭部分です。
The more I think of it, the less I understand. All | I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the only one who is entirely unlike the rest. It is almost impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say it? ― I don't know.
This was how I happened to invent my clowning.
It was the last quest for love | I was to direct ^ at human beings. Although I had a mortal dread of human beings I seemed quite unable to renounce their society. ...