Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.
― Mark Twain
❑ Keep away from ~:~を遠ざけておく
❑ ambition(s):夢、願望、目標
❑ belittle ~:~をけなす
❑ the really great (people):真に偉大な人々
・Keep ~ :命令文 → 中1
・who:関係代名詞(主格)→ 中3
・try to do:to 不定詞(名詞的用法)→ 中2
・do that:直前の文の内容を受ける指示代名詞 that → 中1
・make you feel:使役動詞+O+C(原形不定詞)→ 中3
・feel that ~:名詞節を導く接続詞 that → 中2
・become great:一般動詞+C(名詞・形容詞)→ 中2