
Spring is here!

I went to Sakura Park about noon last Sunday. The cherry blossoms were very beautiful. I saw a lot of people under the cherry trees. They were having hanami parties. Some were eating, and others were singing. "Spring is here!" people said.

中2英語教科書 レッスン1より

すべて中1英語の復習 #英文の構成要素(主要素〈SVOC〉と修飾要素〈副詞的修飾要素と形容詞的修飾要素〉)#過去形 #過去進行形 #Some ~, and others ~ #存在を表すbe動詞 #場所を表す副詞 #副詞(形容詞修飾)#名詞の副詞的用法 #名詞が名詞にかかるこの名詞 #前置詞句 #前置詞 of の例外的な用法 #複数形 #人称代名詞(主格)#直接話法 #定冠詞