
2019 センター英語(第2問 C)


◆ 対話文中の英文完成 問題


Museum guide:  The number of visitors has dropped this month.
Museum guard:  It's probably because of the construction on the second floor.
Museum guide:  Yes, the "Treasures of Egypt" exhibit there always attracted so many people.
Museum guard:  So, [  24  ] the most popular area is closed.

(A) I can't help
(B) it can't be helped

(A) that there are fewer people
(B) that there are more people

(A) during
(B) while


Masa:  I heard that last night's baseball game was the longest this season.  You were there, weren't you?
Alice:  That's right.  It was so exciting watching it live at the stadium.
Masa:  It must have been late when it finished.  How did you get home?
Alice:  Yes, it was really late.  [  25  ]  It was crowded, but riding with hundreds of other fans was fun.

(A) I was barely able to
(B) I was seldom able to

(A) catch
(B) miss

(A) a taxi.
(B) the last train.


Tetsuya:  I haven't seen John today.
Brent:  I heard that he's sick and will be absent from work for a few days.
Tetsuya:  That's too badIsn't he in charge of the meeting later today?
Brent:  Yes.  [  26  ]  Without him, we can't talk about those issues.

(A) I'm afraid
(B) I'm afraid of

(A) the meeting will have to be held
(B) the meeting will have to be put off

(A) until next week.
(B) until this evening