The atomic bombs were built by human hands and exploded over human heads. It follows that nuclear weapons can be eliminated by an act of human will and that the source of that will is, without question, the mind of each huan being.
I call out to civil society throughout the world.
Let us continue to discuss our experiences of war and the atomic bombings and pass the information on to future generations. Knowledge of the horror of war is an important first step to peace.
Let us continute to promote trust between people across country borders. The bridges of trust built by individuals will help to prevent the outbreak of war due to national conflicts.
Let us inform our children about the importance of understanding the pain of others. That will sow the seeds of peace in children's hearts.
There are many things that we can do in the cause of peace. Let us avoid despair and indifference and continue to cultivate a culture of peace.
Let us raise our voices and insist that nuclear weapons are unnecessary.