烏瓜 (カラスウリ) |
They were no doubt meeting to discuss how to get the big snake gourds they needed to put lights into and float down the river for the star festival that night.
Tonight everybody's going to make lanterns out of snake gourds and float them down the river.
「ザネリ,烏瓜ながしに行くの。」 ジョバンニがまだそう云ってしまわないうちに,「ジョバンニ,お父さんから,らっこの上着が来るよ。」 その子が投げつけるようにうしろから叫びました。
Giovanni wanted to say, ‘Zanelli, are you going to the river to float gourds?’ But before he could get the words out, Zanelli yelled nastily from behind, ‘Giovanni’s getting an otter coat from his father!’
When Giovanni was about to turn the corner into town he noticed six or seven boys in front of the grocer’s on the road to the bridge. Their black shapes mingled strangely with their dimly glowing white shirts. They were each carrying a lighted gourd lantern, whistling and laughing.
There were tiny insects gleaming blue amid the bushes, rendering their leaves transparent blue and reminding him of the snake gourd lanterns all the children had been carrying.
向こう岸の暗いどてにも火が七つ八つうごいていました。 そのまん中をもう烏瓜のあかりもない川が,わずかに音を立てて灰いろにしずかに流れていたのでした。
Many lights were moving up and down along the water's edge, and a number of lantern flames could be seen roving the dark embankment on the opposite bank as well. Between them the river, with no lantern to illuminate it now, flowed in a single gray tranquil stream with little more than a murmur.
「ザネリがね,舟の上から烏うりのあかりを水の流れる方へおしてやろうとしたんだ。そのとき舟がゆれたもんだから水へ落っこったろう。するとカムパネルラがすぐに飛び込んだんだ。 ... 」
'Zanelli was trying to push a lantern down the river from the boat, and that's when the boat tilted and kind of dumped him into the water. Campanella dove right in after him and he pushed Zanelli back to the boat, ... '
『英語で読む 銀河鉄道の夜』(宮沢賢治作,ロジャー・パルバース訳,ちくま文庫,1996)。 烏瓜の写真は,『山渓ハンディ図鑑1 増補改訂新版 野に咲く花』(山と渓谷社,2013)」からのものです。